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Téma: Hello, few questions about gambling in Czech Republic

  1. #16

    Re: Hello, few questions about gambling in Czech Republic

    there is a poster from Slovakia, who is now confirming my assumption, that gambling in Slovakia is going to change in the middle of this year and the change will not be favorable; Brazil is surprisingly expensive

    heyhou proc by se ti blbci nahore meli zajimat o nekoho dole? ani nevedi ze existuje neco jako profesionalni sazkar, kterej vylepsuje zahranicni bilanci slovenska a jako jeden z mala prinasi nejake penize domu... z makroekonomickyho hlediska sazkari obecne naopak utraceji venku a je logicky, ze staty, co jsou pred krachem, tj. cela EU, se proste snazi ucpat diry, kde jim unikaji finance. O zajmy ctihodnych obcanu neslo nikdy a ted uz je to uplne jedno. Je to jen snaha udrzet lod co nejdyl na hladine.

    Opravdu nechapu na co si tu kdo stezuje. Ze je vlada a ekonomicka situace shit vidi kazdy a uz pekne dlouho. Za poslednich par tydnu to prasklo, takze je znemozneny specificky gambling v Francii, Nemecku, USA, prijde Polsko a je proste jasny ze prijdou i dalsi staty. Pokud nekdo zustava v Evrope nebo USA a divi se a bude se divit, co ze se to proboha deje a kde jsou me svobody, tak by se mel divit spis sve hlave.

    The party is over. Jedina nadeje profesionalnich gambleru je opet underground, ze ktereho mozna vyroste ta druha generace cowboy kasin. Ale vklady a vyplaty penez uz nikdy nebudou tak easy jako dnes a kdo to bude cele zivit je fakt otazka.<div style="font-size: xx-small;color: #0000ff;display: inline-block;text-align: center;width: 100%;">
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    Gambling feels like endless ejaculation

  2. #17

    Re: Hello, few questions about gambling in Czech Republic

    Citace Původně odeslal heyhou
    nechcem byť posolom zlých správ, ale na Slovensku to bude zachvílku tiež veselé. Tuším, že do konca júna ma byť predložený návrh na zmeny v hazarde. Neviem presne čo to bude, ale niekde som čítal, že jednou z vecíje zamedzenie vkladov do zahraničných spoločností. takže to tu nevyzerá ružovo ...... viac uvidíme na konci júna júla s čím prídu.
    A jakým způsobem by se tomu zamezilo? A všemi způsoby? Kreditka, převod z účtu, Moneybookers...<div style="font-size: xx-small;color: #0000ff;display: inline-block;text-align: center;width: 100%;">
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  3. #18

    Re: Hello, few questions about gambling in Czech Republic

    tak to naozaj sú len také povrchné informácie.

    a tie správy čo vyšli boli také zvláštne: tlačovú agentúra slovenskej republiky vydala správu o tomto a ked som si to prečítal tak tam hovorili o návrhu tak, že poskytnú kasínové licencie aj pre ostatné spoločnosti na slovenskom trhu ako je fortuna či tipsport (doteraz mohla kasíno poskytovať len národná loteriová spoločnosť). Týmto by sa vyriešil odliv peňazí. Ale toto je počítam len jeden krok. Ďalej to nikto nešpecifikoval až neskôr som našiel na internete jeden dokument kde bolo písané o tom, že sa majú zamedziť vklady do týchto zahraničných spoločností. Že vraj o tom bola aj nejaká diskusia v rádiu, ale nezachytil som to. Preto to neriešim už a uvidím aká bude pravda. Ten dokument čo som našiel ani sám neviem koho je. Hovorí sa, že zamedzenie tých vkladov do zahraničných spoločností je veľmi komplikované a tak ani neviem od kedy by to mohlo byť. Od 1.1.2012 sa nám tu ale zvyšujú odvody stávkových kancelárií. U nás sú neni tieto veci tak medializované ako u vás. Aj diskusie ked si niekde čítam k nejakým článkom, tak sú o ničom.

    Čital som článok, že celá europa už bude prakticky regulovaná a preto pochybujem, že by to tu tak nechali. V tom článku bolo vymenovaných hádam 20 krajín z EU čo na niečom pracujú. V eu už zaviedli nejakú zelenú knihu - a do konca júla tam majú byť všetky problémy popísané. Kym sa však eu rozhýbe tak to ešte potrvá a bohvie či pre nás hráčov to bude mať nejaký väčší význam<div style="font-size: xx-small;color: #0000ff;display: inline-block;text-align: center;width: 100%;">
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  4. #19

    Re: Hello, few questions about gambling in Czech Republic

    Kdyby tu mel nekdo nejake relevantni zdroje, tak o ne poprosim, budu zas asi psat nejakej clanek do oficialnich medii.

    to Frick: proste se to udela nelegalni s vyjimkami tech legalnich a schvalenych a zatim se tem zakazum sazkovky a procesori proste prizpusobili, coz je silene zklamani. Viz napriklad vyjadreni Moneybookers k dnesnim pokerovym problemum, kde si mejou ruce a doufaji, ze je jich to tykat nebude.

    April 16, 2011 9:00 a.m. PDT: We've contacted Moneybookers for a statement regarding the Friday's indictment, and we've been told that, “Moneybookers is not part of this investigation and have not been approached by any authority. As a general principal we never process transactions for online gambling purposes including poker for US citizens."
    Read more: ... -10218.htm<div style="font-size: xx-small;color: #0000ff;display: inline-block;text-align: center;width: 100%;">
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    Gambling feels like endless ejaculation

  5. #20

    Re: Hello, few questions about gambling in Czech Republic

    Lehké odbočení od gamblingu, ale tématu se to stále dotýká. Zajímavý rozhovor o Lat. Americe a voda na Orbitalův mlýn. ... ec-s-perem<div style="font-size: xx-small;color: #0000ff;display: inline-block;text-align: center;width: 100%;">
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  6. #21

    Re: Hello, few questions about gambling in Czech Republic

    jo, je to sice offtopic, ale fakt skvelej rozhovor, deda vi, co mluvi

    nejvic jsem se zasmal, jak pise, ze klausovo pero v argentine nikoho moc nezajima, ale zaujala je kvalita jeho spanelstiny... classic... pro argentince jsou rozhovory o kvalite spanelstiny neco jak pro italy fotbal nebo pro cechy debaty o kvalite piva anebo o tom, jak jejich prezident krade tuzku

    je to tu sice forum o sazeni, ale nebojte se sem davat cokoliv, co vam prijde zajimave a nejak k tematu, on si to mozek nakonec stejne nejak posklada<div style="font-size: xx-small;color: #0000ff;display: inline-block;text-align: center;width: 100%;">
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    Gambling feels like endless ejaculation

  7. #22

    Re: Hello, few questions about gambling in Czech Republic

    Costa Rica is still a good choice to operate an online gaming company. Compared to other locations the license fee is very low. We have over four hundred conpanies that are based in Costa Rica for online wagering.
    Recently I have received many requests from Euopeans-Asians-South Americans that are looking to set up shop here.
    All you need is a Data Processing License to start a company here in Costa Rica. I can explain in more detail the steps that are needed to form a company

    Lic Giovanna Barrantes
    Gaming Attorney
    San Jose Costa Rica
    Skype CostaRicaLaw1<div style="font-size: xx-small;color: #0000ff;display: inline-block;text-align: center;width: 100%;">
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  8. #23

    Re: Hello, few questions about gambling in Czech Republic

    Hi there, welcome here!
    We (at least I) love CR. It is a bit wild sometimes, but better than useless overregulations.

    Anyways I doubt anyone from CZ will now set-up offshore betting company in Costa Rica. In Czech republic is betting oligopoly, few big companies do not allow other players to come in and just for case they are preparing offshore companies like Fortuna ( has But they do this inside European Union.

    Costaricalawyer I have one question for you: sooner or later states from EU will defend against what they say "unfair competition". They will fight even inside EU against each other and for sure betting shops outside EU will be absolute evil. How are CR sportsbooks prepared for this? How will they handle some "EU UIGEA" law, that will ban offshore gambling transactions etc.

    Second question. I fled form Eu 2 years ago to Brazil. How is betting industry there (undeveloped)..but how do you see future there? Which are CR sportsbooks aimed on South America market? I know only about CRIS, but they aim to Spanish countries and they are for sure not big. I have seen few Bwin thirts (Euro sportsbook), but..that is it for Brazil. All people love football, many have smartphones, and no one bets except their national lottery. Why?<div style="font-size: xx-small;color: #0000ff;display: inline-block;text-align: center;width: 100%;">
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    Gambling feels like endless ejaculation

  9. #24

    Re: Hello, few questions about gambling in Czech Republic

    Yes, that's quite surprising the majority of Latinos don't bet on sports at all. There are some bookies facing the market like Betboo, Cazapuestas‎, Apostogano or Supermatch, however they seem to be little. Betcris even has branches located in some cities, but probably only few bet online as well. I really don't think it's caused by the local laws (in some countries gambling is illegal, you can't use a debit card for online transactions..), because in some Asian countries gambling is prohibited under capital punishment, yet most of the guys gamble <div style="font-size: xx-small;color: #0000ff;display: inline-block;text-align: center;width: 100%;">
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