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Téma: hansabet

  1. #1
    7th hidden dimension


    Chtel bych se kratce podelit o zkusenosti s touto sazkovkou (hansabet.com, hansagaming.com). SBR rating B, pokud si nekdo pamatuje na stary Bowmansy, pred tim nez se spojili s B365, tak podobnost neni ciste nahodna. Jen lehce predelanej design, stejny bonusy (sign-up i reload 15%, max. $500, 4x rollover), ovsem tim to zhruba konci.

    Nevim jestli maji propojenou databazi se staryma bowmansama (tvrdi ze ne), ale i kdyz jsem si tam mohl zalozit stejnej ucet jako jsem mel na starych bowmans tak emailova adresa mi tam nesla (ze uz prej existuje u jinyho uctu..). Nicmene ale bonus jsem dostal v pohode. Zakladni limity maji nizsi nez byly na bowmans - na MLB to bylo tusim kolem $1K na ML a $500 na totals, NFL mozna vic, ale to uz vam ted nereknu, protoze jsem tam dostal zahy ani ne v pulce rolloveru limit $200 na ML a $100 na totals, coz uz je dost malo a lehce jsem si vzpomel na B3.65.. Pisu teda mail na CS co to ma znamenat a zadna odpoved. Cekam par dni, nic. Napsal jsem jim jeste ten samej mail z jejich interniho message centra, ovsem odpoved zadna. Odpovedeli az zhruba po tejdnu kdyz jsem jim zacal ten samej mail posilat kazdej den, ze prej je to v mym pripade prechodny, ovsem zadny zvyseni jsem do dneska nezaznamenal.

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    I want to know God's thoughts... the rest are details.

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  3. #3
    Tak jak jsi s nima postoupil. ?ádná změna počítám. <div style="font-size: xx-small;color: #0000ff;display: inline-block;text-align: center;width: 100%;">
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    Please be advised that we welcome your business, however you are not
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  4. #4
    7th hidden dimension
    No momentalne nic... Na sarpy za 5K se zatim necejtim (bez komentare) a arbovat po stovkach na to nemam naladu.
    Patrne by se dalo udelat to, ze by clovek zazadal o vyber pred splnenim rolloveru s tim, ze by strhli bonus nebo cast bonusu (prej se tomu rika pro-rate bonus, jestli to pisu dobre). Ale to se mi nak nechce kdyz uz sem s tim ztratil tolik casu... Asi je zkusim jeste nak urgovat po mailu aby mi zvedli ty limity. Ale ted kdyz jeste nebezi NBA je blba doba, protoze fotbal je jen 2 dny v tydnu a bejz finisuje takze tech zapasu uz moc nebude.. A predpokladam ze to cekujou minimalne jednou tydne, takze pokud by to nahodou zvedli, tak by to clovek musel protocit idealne behem jednoho max. dvou dni..

    Uvidime, az bude nakej progres tak dam vedet samozrejme <div style="font-size: xx-small;color: #0000ff;display: inline-block;text-align: center;width: 100%;">
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    I want to know God's thoughts... the rest are details.

  5. #5
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    Please be advised that we welcome your business, however you are not
    eligible for the 11% reload bonus at this time.

  6. #6
    7th hidden dimension
    Tak Hansabet od 1. prosince konci s nabidkou sportovnich sazek, pojedou dal jen poker a kasino:

    Please be advised that as from Dec 1st we regretfully inform you that we will no longer be offering our Sports Wagering service. With the tremendous growth experienced in our Poker and Casino business we plan on focusing our dedicated customer service, full attention and internal resources on bringing you the best possible product, customer service and support in the industry.

    This in no way will affect our Poker and Casino/Side Game offerings, which will still be available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact our customer service department.

    Please note :

    Any pending wagers that cannot be settled by November 30th will be voided, and the stake will be refunded to your account.
    Po pravde receno zadna skoda, ty jejich limity staly za prd a vubec jejich nabidka a zpozdeni s kterym vypisovali lajny taky nic moc..<div style="font-size: xx-small;color: #0000ff;display: inline-block;text-align: center;width: 100%;">
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    I want to know God's thoughts... the rest are details.

  7. #7
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  8. #8
    7th hidden dimension
    Hmm tak jsem prave dostal od Hansy mail ze maj technicky problemy s posilanim penez, takze nemohou ted muj vyber provest, at jsem trpelivej... To vse ale kvuli podelanymu Netelleru, kterej jsem mel az do vcerejska suspendovanej kvuli ty podelany autorizaci, kterou stejne nic nezjistej... To je vazne akorat buzerace.<div style="font-size: xx-small;color: #0000ff;display: inline-block;text-align: center;width: 100%;">
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    I want to know God's thoughts... the rest are details.

  9. #9
    7th hidden dimension
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    I want to know God's thoughts... the rest are details.

  10. #10
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    Gambling feels like endless ejaculation

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